
Well ... Today is Friday and we have code freeze today itself .. I just got a few free moments so .. I thought of updating my blog... I hope I don't have to come tomorrow office .. man why am I even thinking like that ????

Anyway ... So ... so far I have been writing all about Perfection its various forms and stuff.. all my own interpretations some would agree most people wont..Also about relationships, I wold also take up LOVE some day but.. some time later when I have ample time to write about it ..

Art is a language having many interpretations thats how I feels Art can be defined ... Art cannot be bound to a
particular form and mostly when we think of art the first thing which pops up in our mind is ..."Paintings and Sculptures" a way we cant blame our mind as we have been brought up with that very mind set isn't it ..But is Art restricted to just ...Paintings and Sculptures..certainly not ... isn't it ...

If we observe many things around us .. we would start feeling that there is ART in almost every thing from a normal flower the sky having some clouds the normal breeze which creates patters of dust even leaves fallen under a tree having no leaves left can look artistic most fascinating would be when the rainbow appears in the sky after rains ...what a pleasant smile it creates on our face isn't it ....

What an ultimate artist the creator of Nature would be won't IT(See 1st post for IT(s) explanation) be? ...well thats all the time I have this time around ..Well even blogging is a form of art I don't know how much bigger smile it generates after you read my blogs


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