26/11 Mumbai

I am in office today which incidentally is a Saturday ...which i hate ... but it is much better than the things I am going to write next ...

It was just another evening and India and England match was in its final stage and India had just won the match convincingly and lead the series 5-0 up ..Just then BREAKING NEWS started flashing saying that there are reports of firing in various places in and around south Mumbai region. I thought it must have been some gangwar but it was not to be.

It was one of those incidences of my life which has created a mark on my soul which i think will never be erased for a long time ...It was actually a terrorist attack on Mumbai ....our very own Amchi Mumbai...allthough I dont live in Mumbai anymore I have grown up there ..and very much attached with Mumbai ...

A group of 10, mind you just 10 guys carried out a systematic terrorist attack which took lives of more than 200 world citizens and injured countless , injuries which are not just physical but also physological. I dont think any body in the entire county must have watched anything but NEWS for those 60 killing hours. Such was the case that my mom who never likes watching NEWS was also wathching them with sadened eyes and anger for those 10 human killers.It made me feel guilty with the though that our brave Jawans are giving there lives and I am going to sleep .. nighmare used to come

Those 60 hours have passed and it has left us with the deaths of our most capable police officers,our pride and heritage the "Taj Mahal Hotel" got tarnished and there was some reshuffel in Maharastra govenment politics, and politics and politicians on the whole lost whatever little respect had left for them ....

It is ironic though that even if all this is happening we are not taking any offensive against the root cause of terrorism.We say that Pakistan harbors terrorism but if we think about it openly our judiciary and system are also not strong enough to deal with such situation take for example Afzal gurus case who is still due to be hanged for conspiring attack on the Indian Parliament.Or the killers of Mr Rajiv Gandhi...They are all living as though they will never be punished do these guys really deserve to live ...

But as we(Indians) always do we move on with any damn thing in the world good or bad ..same will happen in this case ..lets hope the terrorists are brought to justice and are given a clear indication that they wont be shown any mercy hence forth....

Chalta hai factor

Well guys today is Tuesday and I am busy with work as well as studies...I am posting after a loooooooooooooong time I guess ..we are in the middle of the release with deadlines creeping in.. and so I though of posting on the most common phenomenon the typical mindset of the Indians for sure..the "Chalta hai (चलता है !!) factor"।

Whenever we are assigned any task first thing which comes in our mind is "चलता है यार हो जाएगा " isnt it ... this is particularly harmfull in crisies period, the below post will help you understand hazards of this factors.

Well all of you who are working professionals or students or any persons responsible for any committed job... this factor plays a very critical role in delivering your task...In management terms this thing is called as "Student syndrome" in which "many people will start to fully apply themselves to a task just at the last possible moment before a deadline".

In short...under utilization of the available time ..Well I was also the same as most of you guys I was no different ..but when I came to know about this factor through a project management session in our office (CCPM) Critical Chain Project Management I realized a thing that if we start giving 100 % efforts in a task, from the beginning then we don't have to struggle with deadlines as much we do under normal circumstances. Chalta hai (चलता है !!) factor not only increases our tension but also prevents us from delivering quality work. ultimately resulting in bad impression in managements eyes.

This thing is essentially important because US economy is on the verge of recessions and Lay offs and job cuts are very normal. The time for survival of fittest has come and lets be fit enough by kicking this habit from our work...lets make it Nahi Chalta hai (नही चलता है !!) factor
and live a happy tension free life.


Well ... Today is Friday and we have code freeze today itself .. I just got a few free moments so .. I thought of updating my blog... I hope I don't have to come tomorrow ..to office .. man why am I even thinking like that ????

Anyway ... So ... so far I have been writing all about Perfection its various forms and stuff.. all my own interpretations some would agree most people wont..Also about relationships, I wold also take up LOVE some day but.. some time later when I have ample time to write about it ..

Art is a language having many interpretations thats how I feels Art can be defined ... Art cannot be bound to a
particular form and mostly when we think of art the first thing which pops up in our mind is ..."Paintings and Sculptures"..in a way we cant blame our mind as we have been brought up with that very mind set isn't it ..But is Art restricted to just ...Paintings and Sculptures..certainly not ... isn't it ...

If we observe many things around us .. we would start feeling that there is ART in almost every thing from a normal flower ...to the sky having some clouds ..to the normal breeze which creates patters of dust even leaves fallen under a tree having no leaves left can look artistic most fascinating would be when the rainbow appears in the sky after rains ...what a pleasant smile it creates on our face isn't it ....

What an ultimate artist the creator of Nature would be won't IT(See 1st post for IT(s) explanation) be? ...well thats all the time I have this time around ..Well even blogging is a form of art I don't know how much bigger smile it generates after you read my blogs

Instant Relationships.........

Hellos folks today is Thursdays and we are close to weekend's :) ..

Soo.... Today Its about relationships .. now what has perfection to do with it ... well it is one of those things in this world where perfection has no direct link and not much importance ...

Relationships, well its such a vague term isn't it there are "n" kinds of relationships and what kind of relationship am I talking about ... well .. I am talking about the ones which take people by storm ...

If you ask yourself, you would definitely either would be or would want to be in such a relationship ..well ..Is it possible to have a perfect relationship ... is there any thing called as a perfect relationship? Now a days even in India we have more often broken marriages .. broken relationships .. moving on .. all kinds of stuff..

What might be the reasons..some of them might be
  • No compromise..
  • Lack of understanding..
  • Insensitivity
  • Intolerance
  • Infatuations
  • " चलता है फक्टोर "(Lack of Seriousness [Taking for Granted])
  • Commitment (Guys are scared off and even some girls are afraid now a days)
  • most importantly... lack of Maturity ..
  • Attitude (We say its fashion don't we)

But guys its not possible to have all these in one couple .. but few are very important ..so as to carry forward relationship .. and make it successful.. but what is a successful relationship is it that lasts long or that lasts as though every movement is the last?

Certainly quality matters over quantity.. isn't it ..Now a days people getting in to anything "INSTANT" .. every thing is instant today .. noodles ... चाय .. coffee ..romance .. and even relationships.. Sad isn't it.. Today the situation is such what will happen in coming years ...I better don't think pessimistically ... Let me be optimistic after all the entire world is living on Hope ..उमीद पर तो दुनिया कायम है , है ना ।


Well today is Monday .. Fresh beginning of a looong .. Weeeek at work .. and we havnt recieved what we should have had.. well thats what tempted me to write about T.I.M.E ..

Every creation has TIMEstamp attached to it and TIME itself is perfect .. it has 3 aspects current, future and History...

I always wonder we talk about the supernatural force called GOD and ITs perfection, but what about TIME, is it created by GOD or TIME existed even before the universe was existent how were things like when there was no Universe.

One thing is for sure TIME has significance if there is Universe if there is no Universe what’s the significance of TIME. Is GOD creator of TIME or every thing in the Universe revolves around TIME? May be GOD must have created TIME to keep track and record of all the things.. just like we have a reference key for every record we have TIME attached to every event in the Universe...well thats all the TIME I have for Today ....

Is this just a DROP or what !!

Well Today was just an ordinary day and I am relaxed that tomorrow is the beginning of every software professionals dream come true day(s) WEEKENDs ... okay guys enough of all this .. crap..

Lets continue .. with the discussion .. I was just trying to express my overwhelming impression of the creator and destructor of the universe and how perfect his every creation is

..a very fine example would be this simple drop of water looks simple isn't it.. but if we observe it closely there is perfection in every little bit of it .. and you know what is the best thing about it ... how much little time it has its existence before it vanishes into the water as though it never existed.. Imagine if a little drop can have such an impression imagine what we human beings can do..Of course we can do things which can be remembered for ages......

I just wonder some times who would be the creator of this creator .. such an immaculate perfectionist of all times ... how much time did it take for IT (difficult to differentiate the gender of the ultimate perfectionist so I would prefer IT, don't know how far my grammar is perfect) ...I think thats enough for today ...

Creation with Perfection...

Well today I just reviewed a HLTP which is a high Level test Plan.. Please lets not get into details...

I wanted to share with you all my views about creativity and perfection..
Both are the essential qualities which every person desire to posses or rather hope to achieve in their Life, work and so on....

But do you all think it is possible for everybody to have these ... Well I think its not possible for every body to have them .. or else we will have Davin chis and Picasso's in every nook and corner..

But what is perfection.. Is it all about perfect edges in buildings or calculations having no approximation.. Or is it something which we casually see in our every day life.. a flower, a baby smile.. or flight of a bird...

If we think about it we would imagine how much of a creative and perfectionist the creator of the world would be .. Evey thing in this world is so unique a perfect..I just wonder some times how did God come into existence with such absolute knowledge of creation and destruction. Well there are some thing science cant explain .. This is just one of them...

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