First of all I have to admit the fact that I know nothing about golf except the fact that Tiger Woods is the only hero in golf and he is truly a class act as far as playing golf goes. It all started with a car crash(at first I thought he is badly injured and instantly recalled loss of MJ) but the very next moment it was clarified that it was minor car crash, but what followed after that would have certainly crashed Tiger more than the car crash. All the NEWS channels started flashing about one of Tiger Wood's alleged affair, which was followed by countless instances of such affairs every day kept on adding, probably Tiger had affair with almost every women he came across.

But my concern is not why he did all this but how he managed to maintain the secrecy of the act with such great intelligence. Some of the reasons could be the fact that
- Last five years were the most glorious years of his carrier.
- He looks like a gentle man.
- He had gained trust of his wife\family\world through his success.
- May be he had stopped thinking in terms of ethics and moralities thus preventing any guilt feeling.

If we take Tiger Woods as a person and a professional certainly most people would say he is a good sports person than a good person\father\husband. Another thing which strikes me is his willingness to save his marriage at any cost I mean why he is even interested in saving all this after so many flings with so many women and even if he does manage to save the marriage what's the guarantee that he will remain committed to his wife and family.
I just remembered
Hansie Cronje the cricketer who was involved in match fixing which took the whole world by surprise by his acts and he met a deadly accident and his whole cricketing glory vanished in the past and the world has almost forgotten him. I just hope Tiger do not meet the same fate.
I feel Tiger should put his past behind and concentrate on golf as staying in this marriage wont help him or the family anyway. It would be really interesting to see how his carrier shapes up post things settling down in his life. Will he remain the same champion golfer Tiger that still need to be seen..and also where his
karma takes him. Come what may for me he will always remain a Tiger.. Tiger Woods...
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