Well Today was just an ordinary day and I am relaxed that tomorrow is the beginning of every software professionals dream come true day(s) WEEKENDs ... okay guys enough of all this .. crap..
Lets continue .. with the discussion .. I was just trying to express my overwhelming impression of the creator and destructor of the universe and how perfect his every creation is
..a very fine example would be this simple drop of water looks simple isn't it.. but if we observe it closely there is perfection in every little bit of it .. and you know what is the best thing about it ... how much little time it has its existence before it vanishes into the water as though it never existed.. Imagine if a little drop can have such an impression imagine what we human beings can do..Of course we can do things which can be remembered for ages......
I just wonder some times who would be the creator of this creator .. such an immaculate perfectionist of all times ... how much time did it take for IT (difficult to differentiate the gender of the ultimate perfectionist so I would prefer IT, don't know how far my grammar is perfect) ...I think thats enough for today ...
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