26/11 Mumbai

I am in office today which incidentally is a Saturday ...which i hate ... but it is much better than the things I am going to write next ...

It was just another evening and India and England match was in its final stage and India had just won the match convincingly and lead the series 5-0 up ..Just then BREAKING NEWS started flashing saying that there are reports of firing in various places in and around south Mumbai region. I thought it must have been some gangwar but it was not to be.

It was one of those incidences of my life which has created a mark on my soul which i think will never be erased for a long time ...It was actually a terrorist attack on Mumbai ....our very own Amchi Mumbai...allthough I dont live in Mumbai anymore I have grown up there ..and very much attached with Mumbai ...

A group of 10, mind you just 10 guys carried out a systematic terrorist attack which took lives of more than 200 world citizens and injured countless , injuries which are not just physical but also physological. I dont think any body in the entire county must have watched anything but NEWS for those 60 killing hours. Such was the case that my mom who never likes watching NEWS was also wathching them with sadened eyes and anger for those 10 human killers.It made me feel guilty with the though that our brave Jawans are giving there lives and I am going to sleep .. nighmare used to come

Those 60 hours have passed and it has left us with the deaths of our most capable police officers,our pride and heritage the "Taj Mahal Hotel" got tarnished and there was some reshuffel in Maharastra govenment politics, and politics and politicians on the whole lost whatever little respect had left for them ....

It is ironic though that even if all this is happening we are not taking any offensive against the root cause of terrorism.We say that Pakistan harbors terrorism but if we think about it openly our judiciary and system are also not strong enough to deal with such situation take for example Afzal gurus case who is still due to be hanged for conspiring attack on the Indian Parliament.Or the killers of Mr Rajiv Gandhi...They are all living as though they will never be punished do these guys really deserve to live ...

But as we(Indians) always do we move on with any damn thing in the world good or bad ..same will happen in this case ..lets hope the terrorists are brought to justice and are given a clear indication that they wont be shown any mercy hence forth....

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