Well guys today is Tuesday and I am busy with work as well as studies...I am posting after a loooooooooooooong time I guess ..we are in the middle of the release with deadlines creeping in.. and so I though of posting on the most common phenomenon the typical mindset of the Indians for sure..the "Chalta hai (चलता है !!) factor"।
Whenever we are assigned any task first thing which comes in our mind is "चलता है यार हो जाएगा " isnt it ... this is particularly harmfull in crisies period, the below post will help you understand hazards of this factors.
Well all of you who are working professionals or students or any persons responsible for any committed job... this factor plays a very critical role in delivering your task...In management terms this thing is called as "Student syndrome" in which "many people will start to fully apply themselves to a task just at the last possible moment before a deadline".
In short...under utilization of the available time ..Well I was also the same as most of you guys I was no different ..but when I came to know about this factor through a project management session in our office (CCPM) Critical Chain Project Management I realized a thing that if we start giving 100 % efforts in a task, from the beginning then we don't have to struggle with deadlines as much we do under normal circumstances. Chalta hai (चलता है !!) factor not only increases our tension but also prevents us from delivering quality work. ultimately resulting in bad impression in managements eyes.
This thing is essentially important because US economy is on the verge of recessions and Lay offs and job cuts are very normal. The time for survival of fittest has come and lets be fit enough by kicking this habit from our work...lets make it Nahi Chalta hai (नही चलता है !!) factor
and live a happy tension free life.